Wednesday, December 24, 2008

baby, i can see your halo ..

i lalaLOVE this sonq & i'm really diqqin the video w| the niqqa from the movie, barbershop - que fckinq cuteee[:

& of course ; the anthem for dope btchs all around the world ..

her backup dancers seem to be the same ones as the ones from 'sinqle ladies'. am i the only one who heard that the darker one was a transvestite ? lol anyways i'm diqqinq the whole sasha fierce swaqq ..

this pic is sooo fckinq dope to me; idk why . her facial expression, the eye makeup, & the cup'o'noodles - as if mrs. carter actually eats thaat shit - its fckinq qenius .

loveeeee herrrrrrr