lmfaooo ! i could watch this fckn movie time & time aqain & still lauqh my ass off . seth is the shit; evan is hella virqinal & hilarious & mclovin is my baby daddy - seriously . me & the biffinqton can qet hellaa od bent & quote this movie all fckn daay, word to motherrrr !
anywhoo it's like 2.30am & i'm hella awake & bored outta my ass since eveyone else seems to be sleepinq; que waack . this weekend was fun, spendinq it once aqain with the biffinqton & kuku . there was a bitt of drama in the beqinninq with the couplee (they qet so overdramatic sometimes) but they qot over it & we chilled at chrizzo's crib qettin riqhtttt; i brouqht a bottle of yaqermeizer which i had never drank before soo me & dee took hella shots & topped it off with hella coronas & L's, music blaastinqq - wooppwoopp qood timeeee =D
the other niqhtt me & dee were up all fckn niqht talkinq abt how much our lives suck lol . i mean, of course we have to count our blessinqs since there are soo many others thaat are worse off but as the 20 yr mark draws nearer & the seconds tick by, we both realize that we really need to step our fckn qame up; we have the tendency to shruq everythinq off in life like fuckkkk ittt alllll & we've qotten ridiculously lazy . so we decided it was abt time we attempt to reinvent ourselves in time for the new year . now, when i say reinvent ourselves, i don't mean how we actually are as ppl cuz lord knows there have been those who have tried to do just that but i will never compromise who i am for shitttt . however, we do need to qet focused on our futures & our careers, cuz we all know a btch is trynaaa staack her $$$ ! soo anyways we're qonna make ourselves over - both physically & mentally - in hopes of easinq us into this entire new mindset . ooh & we've come up with to do lists .
- stretch everday (qotta stay limber; can't turn into a qranny just yet - i qot thinqs to do !)
- take a womans multivitamin daily (cuz there has to be a way to make up for all the munchiessss)
- qo tanninq (no worries, i'm rican; no lindsay lohan oranqe skin over hereeee )
- qet another piercinq (i'm thinkinq my lower lip)
- requlate sleepinq habits (cuz riqht now completly nocturnal)
- clean my fckn room (seriously, its in unspeakable ruins)
- qet a SECOND job (cash rules everythinq around me, btchs)
- qet my permit (which would lead to my license & then my own car)
- qet a mothafckn tattoo (bcuz sadly i am 19 & still have zip, zelch, zero, NADAAA ; que lameee)
- do my hairrrr (trim, anqles, banqs, recolor, maybe blue streaks =D haa cuz i'm fckn cool)
okay okay okay soo i'm sure you quys are readinq this like wtf is this dumb btch talkinq abt ?! whaat the fck does ANY of this shit have to do with chanqinq your mindset ?! well basically, we fiqure if we switch some of the more basic shit up, we'll be able to associate the chanqes with our new focused mindsets ... diqq me ?
uqh . idk . whatever . don't ask .
& on thaat note, let me just say
2oo9 is sure to be quite an interestinq yr ...
me & the biffinqton are an unstoppable force
like power ranqers =D
& we do shit like this all the time .