Thursday, April 30, 2009

whaaaaatttttt ?!

it has just been reported that after three years of marriage, kelis has filed for divorce from nas !! apparently, they broke up two weeks ago . for those who remember, not too long ago it was annouced that kelis was pregnant . well now she's 7 months along & citing verbal abuse & infidelity as reason behind the divorce .

i am so fcking blown away by this news .

who the fck saw that shit coming ?
smfh .

what ever happened to the good ol' days where love lasted FOREVER ?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


i can't say i'm too surprised .
i mean, doesn't she slightlyyy resemble you of one of his ex's
if you look @ her from a certain angle .. in certain lighting .. ?
anyways, she was cute & i liked her for the most part
besides the whole snitching & shit talking thing she was doing lol
who did you wanna see win ?

i'm just fcking estatic that this btch, unique, didn't win .
she was soo fcking fake & manipulative & i hated her .
if she would've won, i would've thrown up on my television .

i was disappointed crazy ass danger didn't make it to the meet the parents round; i was really feenin to see wtf had her all worked up . i had been rooting for her throughout the season, even if she did have a tiger tattooed on her face . but since the show, she's claimed to be pregnant by ray-j & then taken it back, admitted to being a prostitute for 2 years, AND has gotten engaged to nick cannon's brother !! which only kinda leads me to believe that the btch really is crazy ..

*** it's rumored that miss danger might be getting her own reality show too . idk abt yall but i'm definitely gonna be watchinn that shit lol it should be hella interesting ..

Sunday, April 19, 2009

lovely little jingle stuck in my head .

rotflmao .
i've been singing this shizz
for like 3 days straight already .
you can imagine the looks i get
when i sing this in public -
hella loud .

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

homewrecker .

lmao i fcking loveeeee chris crocker .
& i happy he addresses such little but important issues .
think everyone who has a bf or gf should watch this video
bcuz chris makes some really good points on the whole homewrecking topic .
i've always hated when females only blame the girl their bf cheated on them w| .
don't you know, it takes TWO to tango .

video : agree or disagree ?

Monday, April 13, 2009

army strong ?

okay soo not alot of ppl know this but as of late, i have seriously been considering joininq the army reserve . of course, nothing is definite as of yet but i have been doing hella research, reqesting all of those info packets, & i'm planning on talking to a recruiter for any other questions i might have ..

i'm sure a lot - if not all of you are probably like "this btch is buggin." & sometimes i think i really miqht be but then aqain i also think that this miqht be for the best .

i mean honestly i'm @ a point in life where my situation feels so helpless . i'm almost 20, unemployed, not in colleqe, the $$$ in my savinqs account is slowly but surely dwindling & in abt 2 yrs or so, my parents are planning to retire & move to florida & i have no plans on joining them since my entire life is here in new york but i'm not really sure where to go ..

but even besides my sob story,
i really just want to make a difference
i want to become something better in life
after the army, my life would be fckin set

i just really gotta think this through
before i make such a huge commitment ..

sigh *

Friday, April 10, 2009

uhhh wtf ?

okay okay okaayyy .
you miqht or miqht not know this,
but cassie is definitely hiqh on the list
of btchs that could qet it .

i'm not really all too sure
what to make of her bold new hairdo .

like seriously, i just do not know .
i mean of course her face is undeniably qorqeous;
but i just don't think she has the riqht swag for this cut .
& i miqht be wronq but i could've sworn i seen
on of the nina sky twins w| a cut similar to this one ?
whatever .

i'm interested to see how she carries this .

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

you miqht or miqht not know ..

that destiny's child is qettinq back toqether .
the only reason beinq that they still have one more record on their contract .

yay or nay ?
i personally think it's qonna be a little weird .
i mean, beyonce has made such a name for herself now .
it seems like kelly & michelle are just ridinq on her coat tail .

if bands are qonna start qettin back toqether & whatnot
can we qet *nsync back up in this btch ? lmfao .
i kid, i kid .... kinda .

xoxo ♥

Monday, April 6, 2009

sigh *

okay bloqqers . i am aware that i suck .
i haven't updated this shit in hella lonq .
my bad .

* random updates i'm sure nobody really cares abt ..

- started takinq an imaqe consultinq class @ F.I.T. in the city; fckinq hated it . too many of what i feel are insiqnificant rules [i.e. whether a person is "cool", "warm", "summer", "winter", "sprinq", "fall" & other thinqs] that i don't aqree w| .. plus the teacher was an inconsistant btch . i'm lookinq for a different class to take ..

- on that note, i am STILL on the hunt for a fckinq job . idk wtf is qonnna happen w| that . i feel like the only fckinq bum & it is not cute . my homeqirl vanessa says she's qonna try to qet me a job at the bank she just started workinq @ .

- i'm slowly losinq my mind, beinq celibent for almost 4 months . i can't even watch a fckinq sex scene in a movie cuz i qet jealous . it's ridiculous, this is not the way life was meant to be .

- i'm debatinq on startinq a facebook - althouqh i made a personal oath never to do such a thinq . my lovee nicole has been tryinq to convert me thouqh & i'm considerinq it just to shut her up lol & i'm curious too see who i could possibly link up w| . i just hate that everythinq you do on the site is hell public .. idk i haven't made up my mind yet .

- twitter has definitely become my newest love & i have no idea why . but if i'm not updatinq my bloq & your wonderinq wtf is up w| my life, check me out there . i wish i had more friends on it thouqh ..

- linked up w| the ex last wknd . we spent a day chillin qettin drunk & chillinq & went to see fast & furious toqether . of course, the alcohol brouqht us to be way more friendly then i think we had anticipated to be & it kinda makes the situation a little weird . i'm definitely not ready for thinqs to start back up w| us cuz not much has chanqed really . but i also don't think that we could be just friends .. its pretty fckinq confusinq & idk what to do .

lol sooo yeah .
shit hasn't been too eventful
but i promise to defintely try & update more often
cuz i'm sure you btch's miss me, riiiiiqhtt ? lol

xoxo ♥