Tuesday, November 11, 2008

my guilty fckn pleasure

call me a loser if you want but, deadass, you can NOT talk shit until you have actually read this book . i am obsessed with the entire series ! for those of you who have no idea wtf twiliqht is - qet into it . basically the novel is abt a teenaqe qirl (bella swan) who moves from her moms crib to her dads, where she meets & falls in love with the mysterious edward cullen who just so happens to be ...... (wait for itttt) ...... a vampire . waitwaitwait ! now before you qo writinq me off as a fckn lame just know that i too was skeptical abt the whole idea, at first . i work at hot topic (hottopic.com) & we sell a shitload of twiliqht merchandise & every sinqle day there are dozens & dozens of people, ranqinq from squeaky ass voiced preteens to the oddly situated middle aqed (like wtf is you old ass even doinq in this store in the first place ?) -- both female AND male (includinq hetero niqqas), that would harass the shit out of me for all these shirts & baqs & pins & keychains & posters with certain characters & quotes & yaddayaddayadda .

at first i'm just like wtf is the matterrrr with this peoplee ?! how can you be soo obsessed with fictional characters to the point that you'd throw a twiliqht party & hand out free vampire teeth & discuss the books & listen to the soundtrack ?! i wish i was makinq this shit up but i'm not . anyways, at first i was amused, then hiqhly annoyed, & then i started becominq curious . i mean, even my boss is a twiliqht fanatic . sooo i decided to finally qive in & see what the fuss was all abt . & let me just say that once i picked the book up, i couldn't put it down - i was instantly hooked . i seriously walked around with the book in my biq ass purse & would read in my every spare moment . & then before i knew it, i was done with the first book & had a sick sick itch for the next one .. soo i proceeded . within a month's time, i have read 3 of the monster hardcovers & i'm currently procrastinatinq on finishinq up the fouth & last book simply bcuz i don't know what i'm qoinq to do once i'm finally done with the series . smh . pathetic, i know but i swear i'm not like the other psychos i just described but sometimes i do catch myself thinkinq 'holy fckn shitt .. i'm one of them .. i'm a twiliqht faqqot' ..

soo i've kept my addiction under wraps until the other day when i decided to lend the biffinqton the book since she complained she had nothinq to read when she was bored .. & today she has already finished the book & is itchinq for me to come & brinq her the 2nd one .. soo does that make us both losers ?! possibly . ORRRR it may mean that twiliqht just miqht be thaat fckn qood !! find out for yourself, btchs .

1 cmnts:

PORCHE ` said...

i always hear the hype about twilight ! you actually make me want to read it ;)