woopwoop! i'm def in thereeee, who's with me ?! [:
i have been havinq hella fckinq fun this past week w| two of my newest biffle'sx . as of late, i had kinda been takinq a break from everythinq & everyone & just keepinq to myself but these btch'sx have hijacked my life & since last wknd i've been binqinq & just havinq hella fun . i mean you know it's been qood day when you can't remember it & boy are we some damn alcoholics . bottle after bottle split only 3 ways & we still manaqe to finish the entire thinq before the end of the niqht . & then once the LQ'sx qone we still aint done, we're drinkinq all your beer & smokinq all your weed, SON . lol but no really . the wknd was fckinq hilarioussssss; i'd tell you quys all abt it but i've been sworn to secrecy ;x rawr .
btw .
have you btch'sx seen this shit ?
i swear i almost pissed my pants .
omfq i cannot fckinq waaaittttt :D
1 cmnts:
Thats a cool flyer! lol
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