Thursday, January 29, 2009

uhm ..

why ? like i know that sex sells but really .. this shit just screams skanky . the btch in this is a whore & the dude she's on top of is homo w| his head all up in that other niqqa's lap . i'm not really sure how the whole orqy scene promote calvin klein jeans but whatever; i quess that's why i'm not in the advertisinq business .

in other news :
one of my many qirlfriends, christina milian, was seen on the scene w| sinqer, sonqwriter, & producer the-dream .

rumor has it that the two are possibly datinq but rumored still is the possibility of it beinq just a publicity stunt since it is said christina may still be in a relationship w| dre [of producinq duo cool & dre] . however, thouqh the-dream isn't exactly eye candy enouqh for the likes of madame milian, i do still love the shit outta him; love/hate is one of my favorite albums & his other work is bomb as well, can't wait for his upcominq album love vs. money . that beinq said, i think him & christina would quite cute toqether & the two could definitely make some beautiful, chart-toppinq music toqether [; woopwoop .

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"it's like God's vagina ."

so beinq the marijuanna lovinq chick that i am, i have been fckinq feeninq to see pineapple express since it came out in theaters in the summer . but i never qot around to it [sadface] until yesterday & it was fckinq qreat . i fckinq LOVE seth roqen in all of his movies [superbad *my favorite movie ever*, knocked up, 40-year-old virqin] . he's just the shit . but i was soooo fckinq surprised at james franco's bombass portrayal of the burnt out pothead . i always saw him doinq more serious & dramatic roles but he was fckinq hilarious in this shit . i wish my dealers were half as cool & funny as he was - they'd be my fckinq biffs . ooh & i vow to one day find this pineapple express shit & smoke the shit outta it; yummm .. i qet excited just thinkinq about it .

but uhm anywhoooo i'm qonna cut this shit short cuz after seeinq this, i def qot some L rollinq to doo soo deuce'sx ♥

i love weeddddddd ;D

Sunday, January 25, 2009

take it to another level, no passengers on my plane .

i am so fckinq excited . why ? bcuz for once, i am actually qettin my shit toqether & doinq somethinq w| my life for a chanqe . ever since i lost my job at hot topic, i've practically been livinq on craiqslists, sendinq my resume damn near everywhere in new york, & qoinq to interviews all to no avail .. so i fiqure i should do shit to better myself in the meantime & then maybe shit will work out . soo i plan to attend F.I.T. [Fashion Institure of Technoloqy] for fashion merchandisinq manaqement so i can qet behind the scenes in the retail world . unfortunately, it's too late for me to reqister for the sprinq semester so i'll have to wait BUT in the meantime, i will be takinq a course there to become a certified imaqe consultant . somthin' liqht but i'm still hype . & what's even better is that my best friend will be joininq me in takinq the course . YAY! we're qonna have soo much fckinq fun; i fckinq LOVE fashion & i'm soo interested in learninq about all aspects of it's world .. not to mention that it will totally beef up my resume & pretty much quarantee a qood ass position somewhereee & i cannot fckinq wait [:

Saturday, January 24, 2009

i am criminally addicted to ..

THE L WORD . i lalaloveeee this show . the btch'sx on this shit are fckinq nuts; & of course we know, the more females the more drama but i love it - duh ! this show deadass make'sx me wanna move to LA asap & meet as many lesbians as i can - maybe i can qet a clique just like theirs lmao . s e r i o u s l y . oh & i am fckinq in love w| shane . she's not really my type but she's such a fckinq pimp & has such a cute boyish swaqq [: i'd do her lol . but anywaysssss this season'sx qonna be fckinq crazy, i can't waitttt. & if anyone else watches, who do you think killed jenny ? smh i liked her btchy ass ..

Friday, January 23, 2009

one year later .


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

is it just me ?!

uhmm .. no really .
am i the only one who thouqht that michelle obama looked fckinq ridiculous ?
like seriously ! & i don't qive a fck if she is the president's wife; fckinq j.lo could've worn the same outfits & would've been tiqht at that btch too ! first off, the first outfit was horrible . the fabric was weird but maybe would've looked better if it had only been a skirt or a blouse or somethinq - anythinq but an entire dress . & then the matchinq overcoat made of the same exact fabric ? waaaay too much, it was definitely overkill . maybe if she would've worn the dress & a coat that wasn't soo matchy matchy .. that def would've been better . oh & the teal jimmy choos, cute as they were, didn't help much either but i suppose they were an attempt . whatever . & then later on that dress she wore to the ball - what . the . fck ?! after readinq abt hella desiqners fiqhtinq & competinq to qet her to wear their desiqns & after seeinq some of the ideas & sketches, i had really hiqh expectations for her . there were soo many nice choices she had & somehow she ended up lookinq like a half plucked chicken & shit with feathers all over the damn place . president obama on the other hand looked suave as fck - he qets a hand clap for that one - but then he's stuck dancinq w shortie who looks like she just qot into a pillow fiqht & if that weren't bad enouqh, her dress was waay too lonq & had the president trippin all up over it .. niqqa looked like he wanted to waltz or some fancy smooth shit & her dress just kept them swayinq back & forth, spinninq around in circles . i was shakinq my damn head throuqh the whole thinq, talkinq to that btch throuqh the TV like "wtf michelleeee ! wtf !" however later i come to read on all the bloqs that she looked "absolutely stunninq" in both outfits, that'd she was considered "the most eleqant first lady to enter the white house", & that she would "qo down in fashion history next to jackie o." that last one hurt me the most - JACKIE O ?! do they even remember who the fck jackie o was ?? am i the only one who doesn't see what everyone else is seeinq ? i am pretty fckinq alarmed here . & i'm not qoin hard just abt today .. i'm just qonna qo ahead & admit that i personally do not think that michelle obama looks attractive let alone fashionable on any qiven day (that's only my opinion, respect it or back the fck up) - the president could've done waaaaay better w his eloquent smooth talkinq ass, you kno that niqqa had the ill G when he was younqer . but even still, i was rootinq for that btch today in hopes that she would be able to chanqe my mind .. sadly not . i can only ponder what else she'll have up her sleeve durinq these next 4 years ..

Sunday, January 18, 2009

how curious ..


i'm soo happy to have seen it & i seriously recommend you all see it as well ! tiny & i oriqinally went to the theater to see my bloody valentine 3d but it was sold out & thank qod or else i would've missed this . the movie was lonq as hell but it was really insiqhtful & i tauqht you the importance of livinq every day as it was your last - not to mention that brad pitt looked fckinq delicious lmao .. GO SEE IT !

for what it's worth, it's never too late, or in my case too early - to be whoever you want to be . there's no time limit; stop whenever you want. you can change, or stay the same - there are no rules to this thinq . we can make the best or the worst of it . i hope you make the best of it . i hope you see thinqs that startle you . i hope you feel thinqs you never felt before . i hope you meet people with a different point of view . i hope you live a life you're proud of . if you find that you're not, i hope you have the strength to start all over again .. -- benjamin button

Friday, January 16, 2009

we've run out patience & run out of time ..

note to readers: this letter was written toward my ex as a result to the deterioration of our relationship . it will most likely never even been read by him, however i wrote it reqardless - simply to qet everythinq off my chest ..
smfh ! you know the fck whaat ? i have fckinq had it w| you & your immature little bullshit ; like deadass GROW THE FCK UP !!! no really . i am sick & tired of you btchinq abt the most insiqnificant bullshit, tryna make me feel like i'm a fckinq idiot all the time, & throwinq stupid shit in my face every sinqle day . but then qod fckinq forbid i btch abt anythinq - even the times when you know i have every riqht to - & it's the end of the mothafckinq universe ! like wtf do you seriously expect me to do ?! listen to you btch & whine abt everythinq & just sit there w my mouth shut ?! oh but then i'm the immature one, riqht ? & all i know how to do is start arquments ; but you can do noo wronq ? fckkk outtaa hereeee ! i'm soo sick of you tryna win every arqument & never admitinq, let alone apoloqizinq, when your wronq or made a mistake but yet havinq the nerve to constantly point out & btch abt every one of my flaws & throw my mistakes in my face . you never hear me doinq that shit to you ! & i don't qet mad over dumb bullshit cuz if i actually let every little shit qet to me, then i'd be abt to kill pretty much everybody - especially you ! you really need to learn that your actions speak waaay louder than your words cuz all you do is contradict yourself & it's bullshit & its old as fckkkk ! you tellinq me "you don't care" but then askinq me a million & one questions & then qettinq upset abt shit w i'm straiqht up w you is called carinqqq ! & then when you do qet tiqht but then tell me your "not mad" & yet your makinq a shitload of stupid ass cmnts & rantinq abt how much you don't care - newsflash : thaat is you beinq mad & i don't qive a fck how much you deny it . first off, it's called "don't ask, don't tell" aka if you don't want to know the honest answer to a question then don't fckinq ask . here's another newsflash : you . are . not . my . b o y f r i e n d . & yes i know we were still fckinq around & yes i am aware that the feelinqs were still there but the fact of the matter is just that .. soo on one hand we have YOU, mr does no wronq, talkinq to btch'sx on the fone & hittinq up all types of birds on myspace & qod knows where else & chillinq w them or whatever the fck you were doinq - but you notice how much i question you or mention them at all aka NEVER ? that is bcuz i do not want to fckinq know ! & honestly i can't say that i cared either way, not bcuz i don't care abt you, but bcuz of the simple fact that i am not your qirlfriend & so i have no riqht whatsoever to tell you wtf to do . you miqht say that means i must not really love you but no, it just means i'm mature enouqh to be loqical abt shit .. but anyways thennnn on the other hand we have me, who was onlyyy fckinq w you at the time (whether or not you'd like to believe so but if i was fckinq w someone else, trust that i would not have stayed w you) but then had you qoinq throuqh my fone all the time & qettinq tiqht when any of my quy friends hit me up & qod forbid you found out i was qonna chill w one of them .. like how fckinq hypocritical can you be ? you miqht say it's you don't trust me but first off niqqa lemme say that i don't trust you any more than you trust me . second off - you don't have to fckinq trust me simply bcuz of that one obvious reason that i will not repeat . & lastly - i am sick & tired of tryinq to qain your trust bcuz no matter how fckinq faithful i am i still qet treated as if i'm smuttin around anyways so really, wtf is the point . & you know what ? i am really over you throwinq that whole "me messinq w your friend" shit in my face .. me & you were not qoinq out & i do admit that it was fck'd up of me to do that w someone who was your friend (you see ? i actually own up to my mistakes) but other than one fact, that i don't reqret it . cuz instead of admitinq that you were the one who chased me away in the first place w all your bullshit, you've decided just to never let me live it down & then use it as an excuse for some additional bullshit . & i'm an idiot for actually allowinq you to & then thinkinq that one day you would just be able to see that i was still tryna hold you down despite the shit & that maybe one day you'd just let it qo . i've tryinq to be soo understandinq w you bcuz i do know that you were hurt so badly in the past & i believe that all of this your way of puttinq a biq ass wall around you so that you don't qet hurt aqain & as much as i want to tear it down, i've already put in almost 2yr's to tryinq & still i feel like there's barely been any proqress at all . but at this point i'm sure your askinq yourself why did i even bother ? & that's when i have to admit that i made the error of lettinq my wall down too quickly w you & as a result, for some reason unknown to me, i fell in love w you . throuqh these years we have been on & off, talkinq & then iqnorinq, time after time . i'm not qonna sit here & feed you some fairy tale bullshit & say that i love everythinq about you because i obviously don't but i will say that i love you soo much that my life feels like its missinq pieces without you . but what i need riqht now, is someone who appreciates me & the thinqs i do for them - even the little thinqs . someone who doesn't try to put me down, but raise me up & encouraqe me . someone who is understandinq, who i can talk to & vent to when i'm upset . someone who will do anythinq to make smile & do sweet little thinqs for me even on a random ass day . someone who won't try to pin all the blame on me when we aruqe but admit & take responsibility when they were wronq, someone who doesn't try to me dominant over me but qives me an equal role in the relationship .. & as badly i as i want that person to be you, there's a majorly huqe difference between that which i want & that which i need . i do not NEED you, or really anyone else for that matter . what i need is to focus on myself for now bcuz if i don't, apparently nobody else will . i will end this by sayinq that only qod knows what's in store for the future - whatever is meant to be will eventually be despite any circumstance or obstacles & everythinq will work out for the better . i only hope you learn & qrow from your mistakes bcuz you lost a qood one . i wish you the best & i do still love you ..

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

real chance of bullshxt .

okayokayOKAYYYYYYY. now plz tell me that there are some of you who have been keepinq up w| vh1's real chance of love . well i've been on this shit like white on rice & i have been countinq down the days to the finale where chance & real make their final pick . first off lemme saay, that i was pretty tiqht that the qirls they qave them weren't even that fly .. i mean dusty ass flavaflav qot boots & hoops & all these btch'sx who were waay to fly for him & these niqqas qet stuck w| btch'sx like lusty & kiki & milf - ick ; but anywayssssssss when it qot down to the bottom 4 (baybaybay & cornfed for real / risky & cali for chance) my vote went to cornfed & risky 100% . baybaybay talked hella shxt & was annoyinq as fck & cali was just an uqly ass skank . risky was just a real ass btch & hella pretty at thaat ; & cornfed .. well she was just better than baybaybay lolsx .

soooo when i seen real pick cornfed i was hella happy to see baybaybay'sx waackass leave . BUT when chance sent risky home 1st i was tiqht like wow so he's actually qonna pick slutty little cali .. but then niqqa had the nerve to be like well i'm not in love w| you either .. & let the btch qo too ! likee whaaatttttt ?! niqqa nobody said you had to be IN LOVE w| these btch'sx, you just qotta have enouqh love for them to make them your shortieee! i mean when real picked cornfed he said, you know theres still a question mark above her head but i qot love for her & i'ma take it one day at a time & till then, i qot my shortiee . chance should've just picked risky, dammitt ! & cali was sooo tiqht lmfao but whatever ; i can't wait for the reunion show :D

oh & here's the next show i'll be tuninq in for :

FOR THE LOVE OF RAY-J ! lmfao . this shit is bound to be interestinq as fck . it premeires on vh1 (of course) on february 2nd so tune in btch'sx !

Sunday, January 11, 2009

C O N G R A T ' S X ♥

it has been reported that hiphop royalty couple, nas & kelis, are expectinq their first child sometime this year; pretty interested to see how that qoes [:

but now for the real question ;
when do you think a little baby carter will pop up ?
courtesy of none other than #1 power couple jay & bee [for the slow ones] . i'm def excited for that one ..

Saturday, January 10, 2009

hot damn .

another dope btch, thaat could alway'sx qet it would be none other than little miss CHRISTINA MILIAN . riqht here would be the video for her latest sinqle "us aqainst the world".

shortiee is fckinq superrrrrrbaaaadddddd lolsx . sooo the question of the day would be : who'sx more dope, in your opinion, ms milian or lauren london ? hmmm ...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

like a virqin .. [or not] .

ahhh man . am i the only one who still loves madonna ? i mean the btch is 50 yr's old & look at her ! as i mentioned in a previous post, she is one of the new faces of louis vuitton & in my opinion she looks qreat & the baq & the shoes in this pic are fckinq beautifulllll . but i mean, i've seen other bloqs make cmnts abt her cooch beinq all out in this pic we all kno madonna has never been modest nor shy . have we forqotten all abt her beinq a sex symbol in the 80's ? like c'mon .

not to mention i ♥ this quote from her ..
"there is no such thinqs as the perfect soul mate . if you meet someone & you think they're perfect, you better run as fast as you can in the other direction because your sould mate is the person that pushes your buttons, pisses you off on a reqular basis & makes you face your shit .."

wise words, madonna .
love her [:

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

soo fck'd up .

for those of you who don't watch the news & haven't heard; early on new years day, oscar j. grant III, a 22 year old man, was shot in the back & killed by a 27 year old bay area transit police officer . thanks to someone recordinq the scene on their camera fone, it is plainly shown that grant was already beinq restained by several other officers - layinq face down on the floor - when, for no apparent reason, officer johannes mehserle then pulled out his qun & shot the unarmed younq man .

all i have to say about this is, seriously, WHAT THE FUCK . the news stations just show a short clip of the video but when i saw the entire thinq, i was fckinq infuriated . what the fck was the point of this whole thinq ?! you see that they're weren't causinq any trouble - if they were then why would everyone surroundinq the scene be screaminq, "that's fucked up ! let them go !" & so forth . none of the men they were holdinq were resistinq, they were all sittinq lined up aqainst the wall & out of nowhere this fckinq dickheaded cop wanna qo & SHOOT the niqqa ? likeeee deadass . he was UNARMED . whyyyyyyyyy ?! even the other cops looked at him like wtfff . i absolutely HATEEEE the fact that stupid ass cops think that just bcuz they qot a fckinq badqe they are exempt from the fckinq law & can just do whatever the fck they want & qet away w| it . this entire shit was uncalled for ! but this is the time camera fones & the internet can make a difference - nobody can deny the footaqe of this video ! it's not the a fiqment of everyone's imaqination that cops do some fck'd up shit to black ppl.

this world is soo fckinq backwards !
we're abt to have our first black president
in just a few days & racism is still as alive as it ever was !
shakinq . my . fckinq . head

my heart [b r e a k s] for him & his family .

Monday, January 5, 2009

"fck w| me, i don't qive a shxt; but not my family."

sharon osborne is a fckinq beasttttt; i love that btch .. & meqan can suck a dick & die in her stupid bikini [:

movinq on . okay now i haven't been to the movies ever since i went to see twiliqht hella months aqo cuz for some reason other ppl rather sit around & do nothinq & dish out $10 for a for a movie ticket .. & wtf do i look like qoin to a movie by myself ? lols but anywayssss i am prayinq that i can find somebody to qo w| me to see this oneeeee ..

it looks soo interestinq; not to mention brad pitt looks damn qood, i could just eat him ;x

rawr. i'm vampire .
not really but really .
i can never sleep at niqht but then i sleep all day; the time i wake up, i'm lucky if the sun's still up . the biffinqton is the same exact way tho & thank qod or else i'd be bored outta my fckinq mind awake while everyone else is dead asleep . last niqht we couldn't sleep & stood on the fone w| each other till 11oclock this morninq . then we both woke up around the same time at 5:30ish this eveninq . i really don't kno what's the matter w| either of us & we've tried numerous times to fix our sleepinq habits w| everythinq from warm milk, to smokinq L's (lol), to poppinq nyquil or tylenol PM .. sometimes it'll work for a day or two but then we're riqht back where we started . what to do, what to dooooo ..

until i find a cure,
hit me up . i'll be here all niqht ..

Sunday, January 4, 2009

s a d f a c e .

it is rumored that my two loves, katy perry & travis mccoy have split :[
wompwomp . no word on whaat happened & on travie's bloq he doesn't discuss any specifics pero bits of whaat he writes qive some insiqht ..

"We fight every night, now that’s not kosher
I reminisce with bliss of when we was closer
And wake up to be greeted by an argument again
You act like you’re ten
So immature, I try to concentrate on a cure
And keep lookin’ at the front door
Thinkin’ if I were to evacuate
You’d probably be straighter than straight
And wouldn’t have so much hate
‘Cause you don’t know the pain I feel when I see you smilin’
And when I roll up you start wilin’
So I front like everything’s hunky-dory
But it’s a whole different story
You don’t like the fact that I’m me
I don’t put on a show
When it comes time for you to have company
And your friends don’t understand your choice of man
They speak proper while my speech is from a gargabe can
But regardless, you shouldn’t have to be so raw
I’m lookin’ at the front door ..

que fckinq sad, they really were a cute match ..

pero anywhooo yesterday i had hella fun chillinqton w| my boobie, tiny ♥
ain't she dopeee [: we was just roaminq around everywhere; first the island, then downtown bk, & then finally times square . it was crazy cuz we're both retarded & we kept qettinq lost on the trains cuz neither of us were really payinq attention to where we were qoinq; at one point we almost ended up in the bronx until i'm like uhm where are we ? then we realized we took the train in the wronq direction & had to tranfer . l m a o ; pero i lalalove this puppiee & we be chillin like fckinq villans .

Thursday, January 1, 2009


happynewyear [: thank fckinq qod 'o8 is over & done with; it was probably one of the waackest years everrrr . with a bit of determination & hard work, i kno i can make 'o9 waay better . now i'm not really one for resolutions, pero i do have a few thinqs that i would like to qet done asap in this new year ..

- qet my fckinq lip pierced [lower left side, labret] i really really want one [:
- qet a full time job .. actually any job will do riqht abt now lolsx
- decide what i want to do in life; fiqure out my fckinq PURPOSE .
- take some sorta classes to become more skilled in whatever it is i choose to do .
- put more money towards my savinqs qoinq towards qettinq my own crib .
- qet fckinq toned for this upcominq summer .
- qet a fckinq T A T T O O .
- overall to be more healthy & not smoke as much .
- not to spend money on dumb shit .

soo how was everyone's new year eve ?! hella fckinq fun for me; qot sooooo fckinq retarded w| the biffinqton - we was on our dolie shit, since niqqas wanted to act stupid & end 'o8 all fcked up but it was somethinq extra liqhttttt cuz thaat just meant more LQ fur us [; sooo we drankk maad shitt & after midniqht we was qettin hella qood off thaat champaqne, usinq it as a chaser for the shots of qoosee & in the end we ended up qettin the spinsssss riqht before we was qonna spark another blunt & instead we just passed the fck out .. woke up hella early & had a wake & bkae & then the biff's mom made us breakfast - yum [:

anyways, i'm off this shit .
wishinq everyone a blessed & safe 'o9 ♥