banqbanqbanq. BET cypher 3 - this shit is hella touqh . idk why they paired ace hood with these niqqas but i quess his verse aint all that bad .. thouqh i always fastfoward his part anyways lol .. freestyles are my shit cuz its soo poppin how all the punchlines are cominq off the top of artists' heads ! fab & jada killed this - cmnts anyone ?
in other news : i had to qo to court yesterday for this summons i qot back in septemebr for supposedly beinq in a park after dark . shit is, i wasn't even in the fckn park when they qave me, my ex, his homie, & my homeqirls mans the summons ! we was walkinq towards the park cuz we had been planninq to qo in but when we qot there we heard hella voices cominq from inside soo we wasn't with it & turned around to leave & that is when the cops rolled by . the dickheads stopped us, took our IDs & then went into the park to qet whateva ppl was in there, then came back out & qave us all a summons . i was hella heated . but on top of that when i went to court yesterday, at the fckn craack of dawn, it was discovered that the police never even filed the summons which was qood in a way but that just mean that they wasted my fckn time ! GRRR >:[ FUCK THE POLICE ! yall qets noooo love !! psh ..

happy birthday to my niqqa ashton ♥
(ain't he cuteeee lol) ayeeee ! you're not a puppy no more; you're one of the biq doqqies now ! lmao .. hope you qet everythinq you want & have a qood birthday weekened cuz uhm today's wednesday & aint shit poppin off =/ muahsx !