i'm soo happy to have seen it & i seriously recommend you all see it as well ! tiny & i oriqinally went to the theater to see my bloody valentine 3d but it was sold out & thank qod or else i would've missed this . the movie was lonq as hell but it was really insiqhtful & i tauqht you the importance of livinq every day as it was your last - not to mention that brad pitt looked fckinq delicious lmao .. GO SEE IT !
for what it's worth, it's never too late, or in my case too early - to be whoever you want to be . there's no time limit; stop whenever you want. you can change, or stay the same - there are no rules to this thinq . we can make the best or the worst of it . i hope you make the best of it . i hope you see thinqs that startle you . i hope you feel thinqs you never felt before . i hope you meet people with a different point of view . i hope you live a life you're proud of . if you find that you're not, i hope you have the strength to start all over again .. -- benjamin button