so beinq the marijuanna lovinq chick that i am, i have been fckinq feeninq to see pineapple express since it came out in theaters in the summer . but i never qot around to it [sadface] until yesterday & it was fckinq qreat . i fckinq LOVE seth roqen in all of his movies [superbad *my favorite movie ever*, knocked up, 40-year-old virqin] . he's just the shit . but i was soooo fckinq surprised at james franco's bombass portrayal of the burnt out pothead . i always saw him doinq more serious & dramatic roles but he was fckinq hilarious in this shit . i wish my dealers were half as cool & funny as he was - they'd be my fckinq biffs . ooh & i vow to one day find this pineapple express shit & smoke the shit outta it; yummm .. i qet excited just thinkinq about it .
but uhm anywhoooo i'm qonna cut this shit short cuz after seeinq this, i def qot some L rollinq to doo soo deuce'sx ♥
i love weeddddddd ;D