well these past wknd'sx have been interestinq; mostly bcuz me & the biff have been reconnectinq & spendinq quite some time w| old friends - specifically this one dude who we've both known & attended skool w| since kinderqarten . the funny thinq is that from kinderqarten all the way up until like the 10th qrade, i was competely & pathetically infatuated w| the kid . yes, i know it's lame but wtf can i say ? lol anyways the story qoes is that i liked him & he was like the hottest & most popular quy in skool who pretty much sinqle qirl lusted after . so of course he was quite the ladies man & was always fckinq w| females heads; new qirlfriend every few weeks .. lonq story short, my feelinqs for him finally beqan shiftinq after he fck'd my lifelonq rival & shortly afterwards, beqan producinq spawn w| some other btch [karma's a BITCHHHHH] .. now years later, he's qot 3 kiddies [yes, threeeee !] & two baby mamas - all at the aqe of 19, soon to be 20 in march of this year . like wtf ?! ever heard of
protection/birth control - like fckinq condoms, pills, diaphraqms, sponqes - all of which usually tend to control & protect aqainst certain mishaps aka fetuses beinq implanted into the uterus; at least pull out ! i just don't understand how someone makes the same mistake 3 fckinq times ? especially somethinq so serious . but as mind bloqqled as i am, i do not judqe - at least i try not to ; he is still a very close friend of the biff & i & we have hellaaaaa love for him ♥ however, of course since god seems to be frowninq upon me as of late, it is at this staqe of life that he seems quite attached to me . & i'm just thinkinq like dude, your definitely like 4 years late for that train .. but then my biff's keeps notinq how much he's chanqed & how infatuated he seems to be w| me nowadays; & while she's not in the sliqhtest suqqestinq that i qive in to him, thouqhts have still crosses my mind where i just think what if .. ? & to make everthinq worse, he has found my ultimate weakness : MEET THE LOVE OF MY LIFEEEE, KAINO ♥

[sry for the bad quality; sidekick pix suck] i am absolutely & irrevocably head over heels for this little pitpull puppy ! & he fckinq lovesssssssss mee !!! he qets soo happy when he sees me & he dont pay attention to anybody else & he just cuddles & licks & sleeps & uqhhhhhhhhhhh !!! i fckinq want him soo badlyyyy & i just have to be a part of his puppy life, even if it means me qoin to this niqqa's crib just to see the doq lmao . not really but really . & this niqqa sees me trippin too, sayin shit like "well we can always share him .." & it sounds so temptinq but then i qet loqical & shudder such thouqhts away ..
but this isn't just abt the doq .. tho alot of it is lmao
point is, i'm qettinq impatient w| the whole findinq a qood quy ordeal
but i refuse to qo anywhere near this kid & his soldier sperms ..
soooooo as far & my love life is concerned, as of riqht now
it's pretty fckinq nonexistant ; s m f h .