but i am ridiculously & qenuinely excited - scratch that -
ecstatic abt qoinq to see the twiliqht movie . i swear to qod i'm not even half as bad as these other psycho shorties that be causinq fckn riots & whatnot but really .. i do love this shit & you really will not understand until you have read the book for yourself . the main dude in it - edward cullen is the epitome of the perfect quy ; like he deadass makes you question why all niqqas can't be like him & why all relationships can't be like his & bella's .

doesn't that shit just make you feel at least a little warm & fuzzy inside ? & there's more where that came from ; i swear there were parts soo beautiful i shed a few tears . don't you think i feel like the ultimate lame when i have to admit to some shit like that ?! but fuck it - if you really feel a certain way, plz don't hesitate to click the x in the upper riqhthand corner asap ..

as for my feelinqs on edward cullen, i'm don't usually favor the blankitos but after lovinq the character from the book soo much, i think he is absolutely delicious . i deadass have convulsions whenever i find an especially yummy pic of him & let me just say, that if he really did exsist, other niqqas would be out of a fckn job cuz he would be
mine ! shitttt, he's fcknq fly for a white quy [;
he definitely could qet it anytime .
anywhoo i can't wait to see the movieeeeee !
i'll definitely be updatinq yall later ♥