however, i'm here to recommend to you what i've been bumpin nonstop to; i'm definitely hella late but i recently uploaded 'so far qone' onto my zune & i've been addicted ever since .

yessir . i lalaLOVE this shiz . for those of you who are unaware, drake aka aubrey qrahm is the dude who played jimmy on deqrassi - who would've fckinq known hiphop would've been his next move & that he would be soo fckinq talented ? & not only does he rap, but he sinqs [talk abt a triple threat] . i really cannot, nor will i even try to express how much i love this album . he has poetic type of flow but his sonqs still have such hard punchlines & i just fckinq heart him hella od [: qo listen NOW .
anywho - in the life of mwaaaaa, lemme just saayy that niqqas qot alot of balls nowadays . okaay so tell me whyyyyyy there's this dude who i met from a mutual friend & when i met him, he had a wifey but apparently since then he ended shit w| her & has been hittinq me up to chill like odeee . he's not uqly but he's just not really my cup of tea & tho he always makes it seem like we're just qonna chill & smoke or somethinq, i can always tell when niqqas have ulterior motives sooo i wasn't tryna fcksx w| him at all but he'd still hit me up like allllllll the fckinq time - riqht here lemme just put out the newsflash that naggin is NOT cute at all ! if i really wanted to chill w| you, TRUST that i would've been on it . plz don't qet playinq hard to qet confused w| disinterest . if after the 10th invitation i'm still respondinq w| "idk" or "maybe next week" or anythinq that isn't "yes" then plz just take it as a "PLZ fck off". anyways, this dude was still hittinq me up after all the times i iqnored him so i beqan to respond to him so i could see wtf he wanted from my life . after a lonq ass convo which basically consisted of him talkinq & me respondinq w| "lol" & "wordd", the truth came out - he 's been talkinq to this chick & he felt that they needed a "third outlet" to brinq "balance" . he felt that i could qet her to "open up" . soo i'm like okaay cut the sweet shit - your basically hopinq for a 3some riqht ? & he's all like "well not neccesarily, we can just be friends .. qood friends" . i'm like whaaaaaatttttt ? do i have a fckinq stamp on my forehead that screams 'bisexual smutttt' ?! i mean maybe the 1st part but most definitely not the 2nd - & this niqqa only met me ONCE & i never even did so much as to flirt w| him ! like really, qo kill yourself ..
.. but no really .