okaay soo people are sayinq that i've chanqed & that's probably true . the once shy & quiet qirl who was waay too nice waay too often & afraid of what other people thouqht & said about her is lonq qone . in her place stands a [LADY] blunt & outspoken, stubborn & careless ; now i'm considered a btch but can you blame me ? the innocent can never last & i'm only a product of my environment - hate me ? join the club . i'm at a point in my life where i'm focusinq mostly on myself & what makes me happy cuz if don't nobody else will; those who don't like it can kick rocks . i do what i want when i want to & if you stand in my way theres likely to be trouble . i'm not always a btch but i am easily annoyed ; i amuse myself with my sarcasm soo if your overly sensitive or easily offended, you've been warned . when it comes down to it thouqh, i really am a naturally sweet person; hella od random with a qood sense of humor . i'm very easyqoin, not much fazes me & i brush shit off hella easy but that's not a qreen liqht to take advantaqe - i'm a firm believer in karma ; everythinq happens for a reason & whatever is meant to be will be despite whatever obstacles . i take chances & never have reqrets cuz at one point everythinq i did was exactly what i wanted soo you live & you learn, riqht ? i most definitley am not perfect & won't ever claim to be anywhere close . the two most important but suprisinqly rare qualities i respect in a person are individuality & authenticity - while you quys try to blend in i strive to stand out & nobody can ever accuse me of beinq fake ; soo say what you want cuz i know who the fck i am & i don't have to prove myself to anyone .
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