well halloween o8 was poppin ; i went to brooklyn to chill with the biffinqton & kuku (aka my best friend since aqe 4, danielle, & her boyfriend of 5 yrs, sunday aka my two bestest friends everrrrrr) . us & a couple of others qot hella twisted & blew hella piff & went bowlinq all fckd upp ; we had fun lol . i was alice in wonderland & dee was a sexy pirate lol niqqas was sweatin us od but ehh what else is new =P
& then of couse history was made on november 2nd with the election of barack obama as the first black president of the united states: i have mixed feelinqs on that . i mean call me crazy & maybe its just the iqnorance of the ppl that i've come across but i feel that there were waayy to many ppl who jumped on the obama bandwaqon bcuz it was considered the newest "cool thinq to do" or simply bcuz of his race . now pleaseeeeee don't qet me wronq - there's no denyinq that it is definitely a beautiful thinq that with this historic event, minorities are no lonqer have to be limited in their aspirations & that ppl all around the world can look past the color of somebody's skin & see them for their abilities . however, from my own personal experience, there were an distubinq amount of individuals that when asked "why do you feel obama should win this election" they responded simply "because he's qonna be the first black president; he's qonna make history" .. & that's it ! & i would sit there lookinq at them like .. okaayyy .. & whaat else ? i mean how could you say you stand for obama & not even be aware of the issues & where he stands on them ; such as the ecomony, the war, taxes, etc . of course i respect everyone's opinion but only if its a knowledqable one - soo kudos to the niqqas that actually watched the debates & the speeches, kept up with the news, & knew BOTH candidates viewpoints & then made their decision ; no love to the followerssss ! diqq me ?
in other news - on the day of the elections, i decided to qo & hanq out with my most recent ex for the first time ever since we broke up abt a month aqo . we were toqether on & off for like a year & a half . we've been throuqh a lot of shit & i ended up fallinq in love with him ( >:[ ) & but no matter how hard i tried to keep shit from fallinq apart, it was just little issue after little issue & shit just built up into the biq ass issue that maybe we're both just lookinq for different thinqs .. & sometimes you qotta forqet how you feel & remember what you deserve .. soo in the end i made the decision that even know i still feel for him, it was best we just be friends for now & focus on qettin our own lives toqether; if its truly meant, time means nothinq, thinqs will work out eventually . but if its not then i wouldn't wanna waste anymore time on a hopeless situation; & of course i explained all of this to him in detail .. but anywayssss i chilled with this kid & at first i was a little tiqht at myself for aqreeinq to it cuz it was a tad bit awkward . but then we blew some trees & my whole perception of the situation beqan to chanqe . pretty soon i had the "fuckk itt" in my system (ever seen kat williams ? lmao) & i ended up qivinq into the temptation that had slowly bequn to foq up my head . sooooo when it was all done, that left us in a state of "okaay now whaat ?". but when he tried to flip shit on me ("whyyy couldn't you just leave us as friends.") i was forced to brinq it to a "uhm .. we still are .. i mean, this doesnt chanqe anythinq." banqbanqbanq ! & of course i felt bad but in all truth why should i be pinned as the fckd up one since all i'm really doinq actinq like a niqqa ? i mean how many times have other females been in the same situation but then its niqqas that thinkk they can use you for the qoodies & have everythinq still be all sweet ?! how many time have i been in that same situation with this samee niqqaaa ?! like my mami told me, "who would wanna buy a cow when you can qet the milk for free ?" soo i'm wronq bcuz i did it once - okaay plz shoot me . i have needs too dammit & its better than me beinq like these other bird ass btchs & findinq some random next niqqas to fuckk withh; uhm definitley NOT, that's not how i roll . but the whole double standards thinq is old soo i'm over it & you could just suck a dick if you think i'm wronq .
anywaysssssss here a pic of me & my two loves at the bowlinq alley on halloween . hopefully more to come soon but this was the only pic i took - dee has the others & hasn't sent them to me yet; qrrrr >:[
i loveee themmmmmmm =D
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