& of course ; the anthem for dope btchs all around the world ..
her backup dancers seem to be the same ones as the ones from 'sinqle ladies'. am i the only one who heard that the darker one was a transvestite ? lol anyways i'm diqqinq the whole sasha fierce swaqq ..

loveeeee herrrrrrr ♥
5 cmnts:
her with the two dancers is getting old & so is the black and white videos. i fucks with diva tho, halo is straight. that nigga michael ealy is fine tho.
Girl....I think "Halo" is the best record of her career!!!
And to think Leona Lewis was going to sing it??? Let her keep singing "Bleeding Love"!!!
And I love "Diva"...I know it's simple and shit but me likey!!!:)
yeh the halo song is good
the video is not my fav..lol
** i think the diva was hott.
i love the the choreographers (sp)
even tho its kindof get old.
its still hot
is she really gonna make a video for every single on her goddamn album in under a few months? because i mean damn bee, you wifey & all but seriously. . . that shit is unnecessary. fuck a taste she's really servin' niggas up.
lmfao, teenz !
deadass tho i feel you .
btch is really EVERYWHERE nowadays
she better make herself more scare before niqqas start qettin tired of seein her ass ..
pero she is definitely still wifey [:
ick & if leona lewis would've sanq halo, i would've thrown up ; i mean no doubt that she is talented but there's just somethinq abt her voice that annoys me ..
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