ahhhhhhhh ! shortieee is fckinq BAD - nuff said . like c'monnnn be serious, i hear niqqas sayinq thaat she don't look half as qood as meqan qood like ARE YOU ON CRAACK ?! now i'm not knockin meqan qood but shortie's lips are a little too biq; but even without that, she still don't qot shit on my btch lauren .. & on top of it she seems really sweet & down to earth which she qets [ m a j o r ] kudos for ; if i looked half as qood as thaat i'd be cocky as a mothafckaaa .

i also love thaat she seems to be really close to one of my other wifey'sx .


now this is my fckinq W I F E Y ! deadass, i noticed this btch waaay back when she was still modelinq for delias . & when her first sinqle, "me & you" came out, i had no idea it was her until i saw the video & then when i did, i'm pretty sure i humped my TV screen . no really, cassie could fckinq qet it . i mean lauren london has a better body than her, pero i would still do cassie first . i be qoin craazy for this btch, idk why, i just have it really really bad for her .

& just to jog everyone'sx memory ..

you can't blame me - she's queen bee of wisteria lane; althouqh this season they've been makinq her look a bit .. frumpy . still eva is hotter than her other desperate housewife costars . i heard a rumor that beyonce is tryinq to qet a reoccurinq or permanent role in the desperate houswives series & i'm not really sure how she would fit in, simply because she's beyonce .. like c'mon, B desperate ? anyways miss eva is also the face of bebe sport . i love flippinq thro maqazines & runninq into them :

7 cmnts:
girl you're crazy . But Lauren is a bad bitch.
I'd hit that .
i agree will illkinda!!! i'd wax that!
ps your phuckin gorgeous doll!!! remember that!
lol @ ill;kinda & chavita , lauren london is thee fckin the epitome of sexiness ; i'd def. HIT .
not you too, that bitch is so overrated. she's a pretty chick but. . . i dont see what the whole hype is about.
who ? lauren ? naa man; she'sx baad [;
BUT like i said; cassie is still my #1 wifey .
fck whatchu heard .
all hotness.
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