am i the only one who thouqht that michelle obama looked fckinq ridiculous ?
like seriously ! & i don't qive a fck if she is the president's wife; fckinq j.lo could've worn the same outfits & would've been tiqht at that btch too ! first off, the first outfit was horrible . the fabric was weird but maybe would've looked better if it had only been a skirt or a blouse or somethinq - anythinq but an entire dress . & then the matchinq overcoat made of the same exact fabric ? waaaay too much, it was definitely overkill . maybe if she would've worn the dress & a coat that wasn't soo matchy matchy .. that def would've been better . oh & the teal jimmy choos, cute as they were, didn't help much either but i suppose they were an attempt . whatever . & then later on that dress she wore to the ball - what . the . fck ?! after readinq abt hella desiqners fiqhtinq & competinq to qet her to wear their desiqns & after seeinq some of the ideas & sketches, i had really hiqh expectations for her . there were soo many nice choices she had & somehow she ended up lookinq like a half plucked chicken & shit with feathers all over the damn place . president obama on the other hand looked suave as fck - he qets a hand clap for that one - but then he's stuck dancinq w shortie who looks like she just qot into a pillow fiqht & if that weren't bad enouqh, her dress was waay too lonq & had the president trippin all up over it .. niqqa looked like he wanted to waltz or some fancy smooth shit & her dress just kept them swayinq back & forth, spinninq around in circles . i was shakinq my damn head throuqh the whole thinq, talkinq to that btch throuqh the TV like "wtf michelleeee ! wtf !" however later i come to read on all the bloqs that she looked "absolutely stunninq" in both outfits, that'd she was considered "the most eleqant first lady to enter the white house", & that she would "qo down in fashion history next to jackie o." that last one hurt me the most - JACKIE O ?! do they even remember who the fck jackie o was ?? am i the only one who doesn't see what everyone else is seeinq ? i am pretty fckinq alarmed here . & i'm not qoin hard just abt today .. i'm just qonna qo ahead & admit that i personally do not think that michelle obama looks attractive let alone fashionable on any qiven day (that's only my opinion, respect it or back the fck up) - the president could've done waaaaay better w his eloquent smooth talkinq ass, you kno that niqqa had the ill G when he was younqer . but even still, i was rootinq for that btch today in hopes that she would be able to chanqe my mind .. sadly not . i can only ponder what else she'll have up her sleeve durinq these next 4 years ..
7 cmnts:
damn sweety,u went IN on the first lady, but I respect your opinion ma
Wow, now I do agree with the having high expectations for her fits because ALL thee baddest designers were throwing sketches her way she most def coulda chose something ill. She coulda came out looking hot AND if it were me I woulda been rockin a new dress at each ball! Seriously if I couldn't do a new one each time, I woulda at least switched half way thru or at the final ball ya dig. BUT I must say I think all us ladies that think prez got it goin' on & then some would NOT be attractive w/o his swag. I mean keep it real its his SWAG that's sexy not his looks alone. And I do think Michelle is VERY attractive, horrific ensemble or not. She's got a cute face, not weave-wearing, natural, ALWAYS light on make up (bigg plus) she's like 5'11 (I'm 5'10 so I KNOW, when tall chicks that LOOK GOOD step in a room, its lights out) With her stature, not fat, in shape nice body, niiiice legs, she coulda shut the shit down, i'm highly disappointed but hey, if he keeps most his promises maybe she'll tear it up 4 years from now...
She looks like her face is being sucked in but her teeth being suck out....her booty is nice though
You did go hard on the first lady...I think I agree...I didn't like the outfits BUT she is a VERY stunning woman.....
She & Obama are like a dream couple...
damm lol i feel you alot on what you said its very true!
wow you do go hard, the blog was completely hating on her style. I thought she looked great.. if you can afford it why not buy it? stop hating girl, spread love. lol
lmfaoo . aww boo, nobody's hatinq ! yes i did qo hard, but what can i say ? i'm just a very opinionated person & that was just my personal & sincere opinion on the subject . & i don't think that just because i express dislike for that or any other subject would constitute as me hatinq ? idk correct me if i'm wronq lol .
but thanks for the feed back, anonymous - i do appriciate you readinq [;
& i'm definitely all for the spread the love movement - xoxo ♥
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