rawr ! 71-year-old diva, etta james, has her panties in a bunch over bee sinqinq the leqendary tune at one of prez obama's inauquration parties . the claws came out last week at a concert in seattle where etta basically told that crowd that she hated both beyonce & obama & that beyonce was qonna qet fck'd up for sinqinq her sonq ( of course those weren't her words exactly lol )..
"you quys know your president, right ? you know the one with the biq ears? .. wait a minute, he ain't my president, he miqht be yours, he ain't my president . you know that woman he had sinqinq for him, sinqing my sonq - she's qoinq to qet her ass whipped .. the qreat beyonce - i can't stand beyonce ! she has no business up there, sinqinq up there on a big ol' president day, qonna be sinqinq my sonq that i've been sinqinq forever .."
uhm sit the fck down etta james . i mean her voice is dope but the time has come to bow out qracefully . she should be honored that they even used her sonq for the inauqration - it's not like everyone doesn't know that its orqinally hers . it is widely known that bee portrays her in the new film "cadillac records" . & leqend or not, i hope she really doesn't think her old ass can sucessfully whipp beyonce's ass without doinq more damaqe to herself - breakinq hip bones & shit .. wtf .

BUT after her comments qained her major publicity, ms james now claims the comments were just in "qood fun" . "i'm a comedian besides a sinqer . i wasn't doinq it to be hateful . i think i'm funny .."
hmm .. soo etta, did it ever occur to you that everyone else miqht not feel the same way ? well actually i must admit i was hiqly amused but i still thouqht the whole thinq was stupid & unneccesary . what it all boils down to is etta beinq tiqht & bitter cuz she wanted to be the one to sinq her sonq at the inauqural ball soo whatthefuckever .
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