ohmiqodddwhaatttheeefuckkkkk ?!?!
i am immensely saddened by this picture . [pic via tmz, obviously]
also keep in mind that el foto was taken very soon after the beating
so it was BEFORE "the full extent of bruisinq and swellinq could manifest",
as perez hilton was so smart to remind everyone .
aka once the swellinq & bruisinq came into play, she looked waaaayyy worse !!
btw; a police statement was released by the LAPD that basically said that if they find out who leaked this picture, the person is fucked since they taek the confidentiality of domestic violence cases so seriously .. wompwomp .
anywho, i fckinq loveeee rihanna [you know this]
& i am def hopinq shit works out for her in this situation .
stay stronq, babesx ♥
1 cmnts:
He fucked her up
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