okaay so some of you may or may not know that in past bloq entries, i have raveddd abt how much i absolutely lalaloveeee rihanna & chris brown, both individually & as a couple . but, i'm postive everyone has heard abt the whole 'chris brown beat the shit outta her' ordeal . i read this on some rumor site the other day but i just brsuhed it off thinkinq that the whole this was stupid & completely false . i even lauqhed a little at whatever dumbass tried to pass the story off as true . when i sat down to watch the grammy's & i realized that neither of them weren't there, i was pretty annoyed & curious as to the reason but still didn't qive much thouqht to the supposed situation .
& then the next day - BAM! BOOM! BANG! shit is on headlines everywhere & all over the news & i am practically shittinq bricks just parked in front of my computer researchinq any & every little bit of leakinq info abt it . yes, call me a fckinq loser but i'm already aware & plus i reaaaallyyyyy loveeeee both of them .. no really .. i do .

accordinq to the police reports, it was a text messaqe from some next btch that started the arqument, durinq which chris beqan hittinq her . at that point, rihanna demanded chris to drive her home & then "faked a call" to one of her homies, askinq for to have the police be there upon her arrival . this obviously only enraqed breezy even further as he threatened to kill her & beqan hittinq her aqain, waaayyy more aqqressively . somehow at this point, rihanna took the keys from the iqnition of his pretty lil lamborqhini & threw them into the street . supposedly that is when chris fled the scene & la policia showed up . rhianna told the cops that the incident was only the climax of the escalatinq violence in their abusive relationship . like who the fck would've thouqhttt ? they were the "fly force" & they were fckinq awesome & i fckinq loved them & just wtf man . no really . well anyfckinqwho, la policia took flicks at the scene & they are said to be "horrific." it is said that there is serious swellinq & bruisinq. rihanna's lip is split & her nose bloody. & alsoooo there are bite marks on one of her arms & on several finqers. WTF !!!! i feel like i can't say it enouqh .
when these pics become available to public viewinq
somebody better fckinq notify meee !!!
cuz you love me riiiqhttttt ?!
thank you, loves ♥ muahsx !
1 cmnts:
go to TMZ.com
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