ever went out w| somebody whose parents hated you for some unknown reason ? internet celeb, chris crocker - best known for his "leave britney alone" video - says what he thinks .
i fckinq loveee this kid ! check out his youtube for some more hilariously true shit [:
sidenote : i finally watched the series finale of the L word on my DVR & i almost shitted when i realized it shall forever be unknown who the fck killed jenny ! & on top of it, they left off w| sooo much unresolved shit & yet it is over PARA SIEMPRE - FOREVERRRRRR & we will neverrrrrr know .
sadface sadface sadface . does anyone who watched it have any opinions ? WHO THE FCK KILLED JENNY ?!
i was likee WTF we waited the wholeeeee seasonn FOR NUTHINGG ! lol .
&& thenn they showw whatshernameee umm...the actress girl gettin out the bushess...likeeee wtf she doin there??
buuut uhhh . i HONESTLY think jenny commited suicide , cus she knew she was fuckin up everybody life && she was beinn an overly nosey btchh . lol . she knew she f-ed off all her friendships she prolly jus said fck this !
bt, likeee idkkkk thooo cus i REALLY wanted to see what happened when shane confronted her over the hidden letter && stolen negativess=/
i feel like cussin out the damn producers they coulda gavee us ONE more episode , lol !
idk i quess that's a possibility . i thouqht that maybe bette did it cuz she was the last one shown speakinq to jenny ..
or it could've been nikki . cuz she did just pop up outta nowhere ..
but i also heard that they're makinq a spinoff of the show w| alice in prison so maybe she did it since she is the one who semminqly "discovered" jenny dead ..
fck quessinq tho, they should've qiven us the damn answer like they had promised ! rawr >:[
& they so much shit unresolved & we will prob never know what happens w| everybody else !
R.I.P. The L Word
* btw : i ♥ chris crocker i soooo want to be his BFF !
so of course I was disappointed. I was going to anoint the killer of jenny as the lesbian hero! That last show was a dedication to the L word legacy. The got all sappy and talked about their relationships and how they are always there for each other no matter what. blah.
while jenny is dead.
lame. But.. showtime may pick up the L word spinoff with Alice Peozecki after she is wrongly accused of killing that hooker whore jenny and sent to jail. So perhaps we will know afterall.
Personally, I think Jenny killed herself, if not. max definitely did it.
4 cmnts:
lol !
mann i was the saaaameee wayy !!
i was likee WTF we waited the wholeeeee seasonn FOR NUTHINGG !
lol .
&& thenn they showw whatshernameee umm...the actress girl gettin out the bushess...likeeee wtf she doin there??
buuut uhhh . i HONESTLY think jenny commited suicide , cus she knew she was fuckin up everybody life && she was beinn an overly nosey btchh . lol . she knew she f-ed off all her friendships she prolly jus said fck this !
bt, likeee idkkkk thooo cus i REALLY wanted to see what happened when shane confronted her over the hidden letter && stolen negativess=/
i feel like cussin out the damn producers they coulda gavee us ONE more episode , lol !
[ps] sorry its soo long lol .
i adore chris crocker.
idk i quess that's a possibility .
i thouqht that maybe bette did it
cuz she was the last one shown speakinq to jenny ..
or it could've been nikki .
cuz she did just pop up outta nowhere ..
but i also heard that they're makinq a spinoff of the show w| alice in prison so maybe she did it since she is the one who semminqly "discovered" jenny dead ..
fck quessinq tho, they should've qiven us the damn answer like they had promised ! rawr >:[
& they so much shit unresolved & we will prob never know what happens w| everybody else !
R.I.P. The L Word
* btw : i ♥ chris crocker
i soooo want to be his BFF !
so of course I was disappointed. I was going to anoint the killer of jenny as the lesbian hero! That last show was a dedication to the L word legacy. The got all sappy and talked about their relationships and how they are always there for each other no matter what. blah.
while jenny is dead.
But.. showtime may pick up the L word spinoff with Alice Peozecki after she is wrongly accused of killing that hooker whore jenny and sent to jail.
So perhaps we will know afterall.
Personally, I think Jenny killed herself, if not. max definitely did it.
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