okay soo not alot of ppl know this but as of late, i have seriously been considering joininq the army reserve . of course, nothing is definite as of yet but i have been doing hella research, reqesting all of those info packets, & i'm planning on talking to a recruiter for any other questions i might have ..
i'm sure a lot - if not all of you are probably like "this btch is buggin." & sometimes i think i really miqht be but then aqain i also think that this miqht be for the best .
i mean honestly i'm @ a point in life where my situation feels so helpless . i'm almost 20, unemployed, not in colleqe, the $$$ in my savinqs account is slowly but surely dwindling & in abt 2 yrs or so, my parents are planning to retire & move to florida & i have no plans on joining them since my entire life is here in new york but i'm not really sure where to go ..
but even besides my sob story,
i really just want to make a difference
i want to become something better in life
after the army, my life would be fckin set
i just really gotta think this through
before i make such a huge commitment ..
sigh *
3 cmnts:
Do what will benefit you. In the reserve you can go to school & still stack $$$. I used to always talk about the NAVY but once I enrolled in school I changed my mind. If I would have not chosen college I would def. be in the service right now. It's just a personal choice that you have to think long and hard about. I hope everything works out for you sweetie :)
this is really interesting because i was actually in a point in my life where i was thinking to do the exact same thing. i'm the type of person that changes my mind ALOT from your age and your situation i would say if it feels right, it feels like its the right thing to do then WHY NOT. its not a bad situation to be in you would make alot of money and you would get to travel AND go to school, think about it sleep on it dont make any impulse decisions and you would know if it feels right 100 percent.
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