.. diqqin the new beyonce cd hella od ! bee has always been my btch ; she's baad as hell, her vocals are ridiculous, & she's a total fashion icon -- not to mention wifey of one of the hottest dudes in the qame; my niqqa jayyyy [: & yet she still has remained humble & down to earth throuqh everythinq; you qotta fckn love her .

so anywayss, there have been leaks of her latest album,
i am .. sasha fierce & i'm really lovin what've i've heard so far; i've been bumpin to it faithfully every day, althouqh i was disturbed when i first discovered that the title wasn't simply, 'i am ..' like i had oriqinally thouqht . & then i was even more disturbed at the rumor that she miqht want people to start addressinq her as sasha fierce . my first thouqht was 'wtf is she thinkinqqqqqq ?!' BEYONCE is a huqeeeeeee name in the industry that rinqs bells everywhere you qo & if she didnt want to be addressed as such she should've thouqht of that before she became an international superstar ! smh .. but let me not qet ahead of myself since theres been no offical annoucement & the true identity of sasha fierce is to be provided some time after the the release of the album on the 18th . i'm probably wronq abt this whole thinq & i hope i am; it didn't work for prince & it's not qonna work for her .

no matter what tho you can't help but respect her.
bee is just that btch [:
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