at first i'm just like wtf is the matterrrr with this peoplee ?! how can you be soo obsessed with fictional characters to the point that you'd throw a twiliqht party & hand out free vampire teeth & discuss the books & listen to the soundtrack ?! i wish i was makinq this shit up but i'm not . anyways, at first i was amused, then hiqhly annoyed, & then i started becominq curious . i mean, even my boss is a twiliqht fanatic . sooo i decided to finally qive in & see what the fuss was all abt . & let me just say that once i picked the book up, i couldn't put it down - i was instantly hooked . i seriously walked around with the book in my biq ass purse & would read in my every spare moment . & then before i knew it, i was done with the first book & had a sick sick itch for the next one .. soo i proceeded . within a month's time, i have read 3 of the monster hardcovers & i'm currently procrastinatinq on finishinq up the fouth & last book simply bcuz i don't know what i'm qoinq to do once i'm finally done with the series . smh . pathetic, i know but i swear i'm not like the other psychos i just described but sometimes i do catch myself thinkinq 'holy fckn shitt .. i'm one of them .. i'm a twiliqht faqqot' ..
soo i've kept my addiction under wraps until the other day when i decided to lend the biffinqton the book since she complained she had nothinq to read when she was bored .. & today she has already finished the book & is itchinq for me to come & brinq her the 2nd one .. soo does that make us both losers ?! possibly . ORRRR it may mean that twiliqht just miqht be thaat fckn qood !! find out for yourself, btchs .
1 cmnts:
i always hear the hype about twilight ! you actually make me want to read it ;)
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