happynewyear [: thank fckinq qod 'o8 is over & done with; it was probably one of the waackest years everrrr . with a bit of determination & hard work, i kno i can make 'o9 waay better . now i'm not really one for resolutions, pero i do have a few thinqs that i would like to qet done asap in this new year ..
- qet my fckinq lip pierced [lower left side, labret] i really really want one [:
- qet a full time job .. actually any job will do riqht abt now lolsx
- decide what i want to do in life; fiqure out my fckinq PURPOSE .
- take some sorta classes to become more skilled in whatever it is i choose to do .
- put more money towards my savinqs qoinq towards qettinq my own crib .
- qet fckinq toned for this upcominq summer .
- qet a fckinq T A T T O O .
- overall to be more healthy & not smoke as much .
- not to spend money on dumb shit .
soo how was everyone's new year eve ?! hella fckinq fun for me; qot sooooo fckinq retarded w| the biffinqton - we was on our dolie shit, since niqqas wanted to act stupid & end 'o8 all fcked up but it was somethinq extra liqhttttt cuz thaat just meant more LQ fur us [; sooo we drankk maad shitt & after midniqht we was qettin hella qood off thaat champaqne, usinq it as a chaser for the shots of qoosee & in the end we ended up qettin the spinsssss riqht before we was qonna spark another blunt & instead we just passed the fck out .. woke up hella early & had a wake & bkae & then the biff's mom made us breakfast - yum [:
anyways, i'm off this shit .
wishinq everyone a blessed & safe 'o9 ♥
1 cmnts:
sickkk pics :)
im glad you had funn
when gettin thee lip pierced
make sure you breath lol
im glad you hadd funn happy new year!
i counted sown my bday with shotts of southern comfort haha :)
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