wompwomp . no word on whaat happened & on travie's bloq he doesn't discuss any specifics pero bits of whaat he writes qive some insiqht ..
"We fight every night, now that’s not kosher
I reminisce with bliss of when we was closer
And wake up to be greeted by an argument again
You act like you’re ten
So immature, I try to concentrate on a cure
And keep lookin’ at the front door
Thinkin’ if I were to evacuate
You’d probably be straighter than straight
And wouldn’t have so much hate
‘Cause you don’t know the pain I feel when I see you smilin’
And when I roll up you start wilin’
So I front like everything’s hunky-dory
But it’s a whole different story
You don’t like the fact that I’m me
I don’t put on a show
When it comes time for you to have company
And your friends don’t understand your choice of man
They speak proper while my speech is from a gargabe can
But regardless, you shouldn’t have to be so raw
I’m lookin’ at the front door .."
que fckinq sad, they really were a cute match ..
pero anywhooo yesterday i had hella fun chillinqton w| my boobie, tiny ♥
ain't she dopeee [: we was just roaminq around everywhere; first the island, then downtown bk, & then finally times square . it was crazy cuz we're both retarded & we kept qettinq lost on the trains cuz neither of us were really payinq attention to where we were qoinq; at one point we almost ended up in the bronx until i'm like uhm where are we ? then we realized we took the train in the wronq direction & had to tranfer . l m a o ; pero i lalalove this puppiee & we be chillin like fckinq villans .

3 cmnts:
i'm sad about travis & katy, wtf @ them breaking up. you & your friend are cute.
cute pics
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